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Late Bloomer Club

Artwork by Carol Chen - Thank you, Carol!

The Late Bloomer Club is a loving group of bunnies with significant medical and physical challenges who live in sanctuary at SaveABunny. They are not available for adoption. Some Late Bloomers are disabled and need daily medication and care. Some are hospice bunnies with incurable medical conditions who join the LBC to live the remainder of their life in comfort. And a few are healthy and part of the group as peacekeepers and friends.

The Bloomers live happily together in a large indoor pen Clubhouse furnished with all the amenities befitting a luxury retirement home like fluffy fleece bedding, warm heat lamps to ease aches and pains, handicap litter boxes, toys, fresh hay, greens and treats. On most days they can be found snuggling in a big, contented bunny pile, peacefully living up to their Club motto “It’s never too late to be happy!”

The Late Bloomer Club was formed in November 2014. Once a bunny joins the LBC they are a member forever, and become part of an ongoing legacy of remembrance for these extra special bunnies even after they pass on from this life. We lovingly remember these bunnies as "Late Bloomer Guardian Angels."

For the story of each individual bunny, please click on their photo below.