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Fuzzy and Wuzzy

Shelter of Origin: 
Private Rescue

We have adopted to a wonderful woman named Anna!

Here at SaveABunny we pride ourselves on being witty, creative, iconoclastic and very original with the names we give our bunnies.
We fully admit that this is not the case with Fuzzy and Wuzzy. Yes,, the names are sort of lame and goofy, but forgive us... we just couldn't help ourselves!

First of all this bonded brother/ sister pair of spayed and neutered young rabbits are incredibly fuzzy. Plus, they are so mellow and nice that they are smoochably "wuzzy!"

These bunnies are GORGEOUS, but they require MAJOR care. They must have daily brushing to avoid getting tangled and knotted and possibly get shaved down once per month. That's the price of beauty.

So if you know that you can commit to giving these special bunnies the higher maintenance care they need, please visit them soon and consider bringing them into your home. Truly nature's art and beauty!