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Nemo (Diego)

Nemo (Diego)

Hi. My name is now Nemo. I am a gorgeous, very gentle and loving, neutered boy. I have a peaceful, calm, sweet, and patient personality. I am truly a joy to be with. I just found my forever home with Millie, a gorgeous, little brown lop bunny and her person, Danielle. I knew someday my Princess would come! Here's what Danielle wants you to know about me:

"I wanted to pass along the news that my Millie and Nemo (formerly Diego) have been in love since January. Millie was mourning the loss of her beloved best bunny friend when she was introduced to Nemo. Needless to say, bonding them was hard work, but totally work every minute of the effort! After more than a few arguments, Millie became entranced by Nemo's gentle charm. Now they spend their days grooming each other, playing hide-and-seek, hanging out in their litterboxes, and running up and down the halls together. Each day they seem to get closer and closer! Thank you for all your help, Marcy. Hope to see you soon.
Danielle, Proud Mother of 2 (bunnies!)"