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Jun 16 2016
Shelter of Origin: 
Rohnert Park Animal Shelter

I just arrived at SaveABunny! I'm being medically evaluated and I need to be neutered before I'll be available for adoption! Get in the queue now to meet me!

My foster humans said I am a super active guy who is very curious about life. I like to see what you're up to and be involved in the hubbub. My goofy leg just makes me that much cuter. Have you seen my tiger-like stripes? And I was named after Commander Poe Dameron, Starfighter Pilot for the Resistance. But that was a mouthful, so they just started calling me Pilot, which I like. You should also know that I'm an epic flopper. I take my nap lounging very seriously. If you're lucky enough to catch me doing my flop moves, you will freak out from the cute!

Pilot and his wonky leg during his intake exam at SaveABunny. Marcy and volunteers watch as he hops around. As you can...

Posted by SaveABunny on Thursday, February 18, 2016

The aforementioned flop!

Told ya I'm a good flopper!

Pilot says to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flops.

Posted by Tallulah Rabbit & Friends on Wednesday, February 10, 2016

And I love to do yoga!

Come meet me quick, 'cause I already have admirers all over the world. I think the correct term is "internet sensation."

Pilot's thin with a wonky back leg that needs checking, but he's a already a champion flopper and will soon be ready to fall in love! ~with Tziu Bernardo

Posted by SaveABunny on Sunday, February 14, 2016