Hello. My name is Maribel and I am named in honor of a special lady. And I am a very special lady myself!
I am a standard Rex breed girl and weigh over 10 pounds (I'm also on a diet where I can only eat like a rabbit, haha!)Most people are only familiar with the small versions of my breed(mini-rexes. While they may be cute, I am STUNNING! I am shown here sharing a treat with Rene, one of the incredibly talented photographers who help SaveABunny.
Also, I am one of the nicest, most easy going and spayed girls you'll ever meet. I love attention and can get petted and kissed for long periods of time. I just close my eyes in delight and snuggle up closer to people. I'd be a perfect TV watching bunny with you though I prefer the home shopping network over sports.
I seem to like other rabbits and might be a good option for you if you are looking for a friend for your spayed or neutered bunny.
Rabbits with loving, gentle and fun personalities like mine don't come along everyday. And of course, I'm big and beautiful.
Please visit me soon.