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Lil' Dude

Oct 11 2009
Shelter of Origin: 
Humane Society of Silicon Valley

I've been adopdted as a companion for 2 other rabbits ~ I'm very happy with my new friends and family!


Watching Lil' Dude racing around his play area doing binkies, chowing down on his food and playing like any other teenage bunny you'd never know that he was a special needs rabbit.

This adorable, little, neutered boy has been diagnosed with a fairly significant heart murmur and an enlarged heart. His prognosis is "guarded." This type of condition is genetic and there really isn't anything we can do for Lil' Dude other than monitor his health for any changes, give him as much love as possible and let him enjoy every moment of his life.

What can happen with bunnies like Lil' Dude is that since their heart is weakened, it has to work harder to pump blood to their little bodies. Over time the heart becomes enlarged and that can cause fatigue, swelling and fluid build up.

There are some treatments for heart disease in rabbits, but whoever adopts Lil' Dude should be aware that he needs periodic medical monitoring with a vet and that his life span may shorter than the average rabbit. He is a great little boy who is full of energy and a love of life. Whoever adopts him and gives him the care he needs will be a very special person with a very special bunny.