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Moonlight, formerly A249199 Nibbles at SFACC

In Memoriam
Shelter of Origin: 
San Francisco Animal Care and Control

Goodbye little man. We tried to make your short time here on Earth as loving and happy as it could be for a bunny.
Hi. My name is Moonlight. I am a young, neutered white bunny who is less than one year old and x-rays show that I am still growing!
Now why would a young rabbit like me need x-rays?

I arrived at the San Francisco Animal care and Control as a baby and at first I looked and moved around just fine. As I got older at the shelter(unfortunately white rabbits like me often get passed over for adoption),the shelter vet noticed that I was becoming weak in my back legs. I run and walk like a regular rabbit, however, I am more wobbly and hesitate when I move and I tend to be less active than young rabbits my age..

X-rays showed that I have severe, congenital hip dysplasia in both of my hips. While this is not especially painful, it is sort of a nuisance to me. There isn't really much that can be done for medically at this point. As I get older an operation on my hip joints may become necessary. However for now, what would really help me...and what I really want, is to find a loving home where I can be a bunny with toys, yummy greens and people who want me.

Whoever adopts me should keep me on soft areas where I can traction to run and play and be prepared to monitor me over the years to see if I am getting worse.

Fate may not have been too kind to me so far in my young life, but you can be. Please help make my life one of joy and happiness.

Please adopt me!