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Dec 1 2011
Shelter of Origin: 
San Jose Animal Services
Foster Home

Hi. My name is Yoshi. I am pictured here with Artemis, one of the three resident, rescued cats also here at SaveABunny. I am an absolutely adorable, very small, neutered boy rabbit. Dr. Harvey thinks I am between 4-6 years old. I was originally brought into the shelter with very severe wounds that looked suspiciously like road rash from being thrown out of a car.


For the first few weeks at SaveABunny I lived at a foster home with a doctor and his wife who is a nurse. They soaked and cleaned my wounds several times a day so that I would heal and not get an infection. When I was stronger I spent several months in a foster home with someone who loved me very much. She is now needed to foster another bunny who needs her special touch, so I am back at SaveABunny hoping that someone will fall in love with me soon and adopt me. I am lonely.

Because of my very small size and nervous nature, I'd prefer to be in an adult only home. I'm so cute and entertaining that I will make you smile!

Please visit me soon.