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Jan 18 2007
Shelter of Origin: 
San Francisco Animal Care and Control

Hi! My name is Luna and I am a very pretty, active and spirited spayed bunny with rare blue eyes!

I am always happy to see people when they visit SaveABunny. I run over to say hello and want you to notice how pretty I am!

I love to explore, run, dance and play, so I'd be a good choice for someone who is willing to bunny-proof most of the house, so that I can be free-range most of the time. I am happiest when I am busy and so bunny safe toys, cardboard tunnels and boxes and bunny projects of rearranging, chewing, digging, etc are some of my favorite things!

I am a delightful girl with spunk and a zest for life. Won't you please adopt me and we can explore the world together?